Worse than the last, look at some of my tests to compare.
Worse than the last, look at some of my tests to compare.
More reviewing for me! That was shit as always, the movements were choppy, all the agents had ppk's which makes it poor, and the recoil sucked.
I'm impressed
I forgot to review earlier, anyway.
The sprites and guns were amazing, i love the drinking parts and S&W 500, that was awesome. Yeah, it did have its little faults like when the shells stop coming out and when the guy picks up that big ass machine gun it dissapears quickly but all in all, 10/10 5/5
Well done!
Youve done well! The funniest part was the ATP agent spazzing out lol. 5/5 10/10
thank , lol
I'm being serious. That was the best flash i ever saw! Orange bat and Pink Bat rules and how they talk like retards is funny. 10/10 5/5 favourite.
Baaww <3
Greater than cake
This is really great, that's why i made my animation.
I love how thier feet or hands came off when they died lol.
i try to make my animations cake like.
Wow again lol
You can't even take critisism? Its trying to HELP you! It's advice by pointing out the bad *cough*all of the*cough* parts and telling you how to improve. You uprate this EVERY day don't you? Cos it doesnt deserve a 2.52 score.
2.70 y avanzando
@ 8madness
Submitted: 08/26/2006 | 03:47 AM EST
I'm suprised nobody has said 'Damn, this is just another one of these faggot runs into the building kills a bunch of faggots and a big faggot 0/10 0/5' But, it isnt. The blender was SO origional and the new guns made my day. Finally saw that damn MAG V.2. Left pose instead of a right pose flipped. If you DID do the occasional Faggot goes into secret base and rapes everyone it would be the best Faggot goes into secret base and rapes everyone. Good work.
You done it again! The animation was better than anyone could do! The music was loud enough but gentle enough at the same time. Instant 10/10 5/5
Joined on 10/13/10